Get Down Payment Assistance In South Carolina Now Please select county and enter city to get started. Select County*Dillion CountyGeorgetown CountyHorry CountyMarion CountyOtherDesired City?* Down payment assistance is available in South Carolina. Get your downpayment options now. Have you owned a home in the last 3 years?*NoYesMonthly IncomeWhat is your total combined monthly household income (include all sources and people who will be applying)?Purchase Price RangeHow much is your monthly rent or mortgage payment?How much do you have in other monthly obligations (i.e. credit cards, car payment, other debt only )? Do not include any household bills such as rent or utilities.What is your credit score?*Over 700700690680670660650640630620610600590580570560550540530520510500I'm Not Sure Do you qualify for any of these down payment program options? Please check all that apply to you or a co-borrower below. Active Military / Veteran or surviving spouse*<-Select One->Military/VeteranSurviving SpouseNone Do you or a co-borrower work in any of the following professions? Unique programs available for first responders, healthcare professionals, and educators First Responder, Healthcare, Education*<-Select One->YesNo Congratulations! It looks like you may be eligible. Please provide the information below to receive your secure program results.Name* First Name Last Name Phone Number*Email* Are you currently working with another lender or real estate professional?*<-Select One->YesNoWorking With Realtor Lender Both CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.